You will then be taken to the Booking
details screen.
From this screen you can change booking details to do with extra services or items. You can also change the booking status to ‘confirmed’, ‘checked in’ and ‘checked out’. The actual dates, duration and room number can also be changed in the Change Bookings section in the bottom left. You can also split a bill between two bookings (Part Booking) and print an invoice preview for the customer (Pro Forma).
Booking Record Buttons
In some cases you may wish to
This will change the status of the booking to 'confirmed'. You will be presented
with a pre-formatted confirmation letter which can be set up in the Mailmerge
setups, Adv Options in the Manager menu.
The check in button will change the booking status from 'confirmed'
to 'checked in'. A checking in form will appear as it is usual
for the guest to fill one out at this point.
At this point the accomodation charge will
be generated along with an invoice no. This allows you to print
out the invoice in advance of the check out if you wish.
Check out will change the status again on the booking grid, and will then offer
to print the invoice for the guest.
will simply print out the check in slip for the client (see above).
Sometimes a situation may arise whereby the room becomes unavailable for the
guest. By clicking the Move To Temp button the guest is assigned
a (non existent) temp room, until another room is obtained. The guest's name
will appear on the booking grid at the bottom under 'Bookings in Temp Rooms'.
By clicking on his name you will be prompted to choose a new available room.
To change the room or booking dates for a guest, click Edit Room/Dates.
A screen will appear to make such changes. Pressing continue will update your websites as well as MotelMate.
In the event that a client's name has been mispelt or just needs to be
changed, clicking on edit client name will take you to a screen on which such
changes can be made.
To add any room extras to a guest's bill, click on this button and you will
be presented with a list of your hotel items. Click on the Add button
to add to the account.
(These can be edited on the Price
List in the Adv Options on the Manager Menu.)
In the event of a long term booking it may be necessary to invoice in advance
part of the booking. With the part bill booking button you can enter a date
to split the billable duration. An invoice will be generated for that amount.
An invoice can be generated in advance of check out time if requested by the
guest by clicking the blue next
to the invoice no. field.
When you cancel a booking the record will be deleted. A screen requesting your
initials and (optional) reason will appear.
Web Sites will be automatically updated with this information